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FDM-S2 SDR Receiver

€ 430.33
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Product Details
Brand: ELAD

FDM-S2 is the second device born in our line of FDM Samplers. FDM-S2 is a direct sampling receiver based on 122.88MHz 16bit single channel AD converter covering HF and 6m. It offers the possibility to exploiting the undersampling mode covering FM Broadcasting Band and exploring part of the VHF Band (135-165MHz).


  • HF : 10kHz-54MHz, MDS: -132dBm@14MHz, Clipping level: -8dBm.
  • FM : 74-108MHz, sensitivity <2uV 12dB SINAD @98MHz, Clipping level: -3dBm.
  • VHF : 135-165MHz, MDS: -137dBm@145MHz, Clipping level: -19dBm.
  • Separate antenna inputs for HF/6m and FM/VHF/Bypass.
  • Proprietary Ext IO bus for accessory equipment, also offering 8 DC lines for universal switching (via SFE1.0 board).
  • USB powered, allows great portability (notebook use).
  • Compact size 110(W) x 90(D) x 40(H) mm, weight 360g.
  • Delivered with 2 BNC to SMA adapters, USB cable, USB flash drive with software.

The FDM-S2 run with the FDM-SW2 software and is also supported by third-party software : SDR-Radio V2 V3 , Winrad, HDSDR, Studio 1.

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FDM-S2 SDR Receiver
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